Thursday, March 03, 2005

where is everyone?

I'm sitting here in the civil engineering computer lab, which is usually busy at this time and there is only 3 others and I here! What happened to everyone? did they realize that I was so cool that they couldnt hang around me all the time since they dont want to make me look bad or what?

In other news...the musical started last night without a problem. in case you didnt know, I'm playing in the pit orchestra for Oklahoma. Carmne and Luke did an excellent job as the main roles last night, which is what I'd expect out of them. The pit played very well too for the most part, we occasionally missed a few notes, but not too many or any that were noticable. at least we have five more performances to go through before the show ends to get it 100% correct. :D

OH! Benjamin got pulled over yesterday for going 40 mph on the sidewalk of campus at 10:00 pm! WTF? why was he driving on the sidewalk in the first place and secondly, why at 40? was there any need for that? the thing taht gets me is that he somehow got out of the ticket! what the hell did he do? I'm not even sure i want to know. could be bad. If I had been in his place, my ass would have been shipped downtown and thrown into a corner as I was being beaten until sun-up. sheesh what that man gets away with.

Not much else to say today yet really....i've just done homework all day, and I plan on doing it all afternoon. :'( hopefully i'll be ahead of the game for once then maybe....maybe.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Killin' some time

I was reading on MSNBC this morning after phil pointed out to the article to me that there is apparently a new space race going on. Apparently China and Japan are trying to establish a base on the moon for research or something along those lines. Good luck to them I guess. I really interested to see if they're going to be using re-usable space craft or just what? I've just always been a fan of our space program in general and how other countries compare to ours, especially since ours is not the worlds best by a long shot anymore. I'm not really sure whom I hope reaches their goal first: Japan or China. I'm sure that Japan is able to reach it sooner since they are more technologically advanced than china, at least as far as I know, but at the same time, the sooner that China reaches this goal, the sooner we can say that they have become a real superpower in the world today. Wasnt that what the first space race was all about? which superpower had the better technology and resources to reach the moon first? Of course this subject may be a mute point to you if you believe the space race was just a giant scam.

I've got oklahoma pit orch again tonight too. Its the final run through before the show opens tomorrow evening at 7:30. The practice last night went quite well and I expect the same for tonight. I just dont want to be there for nearly 3 hours again! last night was started at 7:30 and left at about 10:20ish. I had my homework done and everything, so I suppose that was alright since i didnt have much else to do, but it certainly would have been nice to enjoy the evening since my homework was done for once. I do need to get someone to take a pic of the pit orch though since we're all supposed to wear blue jeans and some sort of plaidish/western shirt that makes us look like we're from the country. damn is it gonna be funny. Who's comming on down to see me play in it this weekend? any takers? i'll even pay for it if you like :D.

Heart Otto

Monday, February 28, 2005

anyone want to correct my essay for wednesday?

Yep, i'm working on it right now and should have it done soon, but I would again like to have people look at it. Is anyone interested in having me put it up in a post?

Heart Otto

Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Cradle Robber and stuff...

Since Kerry is itching to know how the red-headed date when on saturday night, here it goes:

Before I stopped by Tracie's apartment at 4:40 pm, i picked up some flowers, a book, and a nice potato. We talked for a bit and then decided after about 10 min or so that we were going to go to Applebee's for dinner in LaCrosse. It was good, I got the Fiesta Lime Chicken. It was pretty good. Tracie got something with chicken in it too, i just dont know what the heck it was called. At dinner i learned about how all of her friends decided to be nice and start calling her a cradle robber, and that she must have gone to the playground to find me since she's a year and a half older. I thought it was funny since i've never gone out with a girl that's been younger than I. So after dinner we went to the WSU men's basketball game at 8 against Crookston. good game. the halftime show was hilarious. afterwards we went to brothers to see if anything was happening downtown, and not a thing was, so we went back to her apartment. we were there for about 3 min when one of her friends calls and asks if we want to join them at a party somewhere. So we go and get there at like 10:45ish or so. That was a fun time. i met a bunch of her friends and they were awesome. Nezzy gave me her stamp of approval too, which was sweet. We went back to her place at like 2ish or so and watch some tv until about 2:35 or so when she was falling asleep and I decided that I should prolly go then. Good bye hug and kiss later, I go and crash at ed and emily's house for the night ('cept i cant fall asleep for like an hour because i'm glowing so much).

That's my end of the story at least, i dont know if she wants to throw in her two cents in a comment here or just what, but you're more than welcome to traice. :D

on another note: How many people in winona didnt have power this morning? I woke up and everything was just dark as hell, i didnt have the slightest clue as to what was going on. Apparently there wasnt any power at Wal-mart either since emily apparently called just when the power came back on this morning while she was at work.

My car is now technically illegal to drive now too. one of the headlights is out now, in addition to the right turn signal that didnt work in the front either. now i have no excus to not get it fixed....grrr. damn it.

anyone want to write my essay for wednesday for me? i'm definatley lacking motivation to get it done.

Heart Otto