Saturday, January 14, 2006

I hate the flu

so yes... I have the stomach flu today. It sucks more than a little bit. I was up all night and I had to postpone my plans with Kris until tomorrow. Not the end of the world of course, but an inconvenience that I didn't want to have.

I haven't really done anything else today. So I guess this is it. If I find something worth posting, trust me, you'll see it.

-Otto III

Friday, January 13, 2006

Nearly the end of break

Today was my last day of work here in winona. It is kind of bittersweet actually. I'm glad to be done with working at the factory, especially since I only did one thing all summer (move things from one side of me to the other). I do realize that I have to go back to Platteville, and I'm looking forward to it, but I also realize that I'm going to miss everyone here too. Gosh, i think i enjoy my friends in platteville and winona. I suppose that It doesn't help that I won't be able to see Kris very often once I go back on monday as well.

Speaking of which, I am planning on spending tomorrow with her, and I hope to maybe see people after we are done with dinner and get bac to winona. I dont know what people are doing. I won't give any other details about tomorrow, however, because she will probably read this before I meet her and what I have in mind i think will be a special treat that should be a lot of fun.

The last thing I think I will mention tonight is about work again. So earlier this week I was going to close a bank accoubt here in winona that I dont use anymore, but I wanted to make sure that i didnt close the account that I was going to get my pay direct deposited into. So, It turned out that the account that I was going to close was the one they were going to deposit into, so I left it open. It turns out that they arent going to direct deposit because I got a check in the mail today! @#%$!

-Otto III

Sunday, January 08, 2006

"Nomadic Camping" and other adventures...

So...umm.....I'm back? I'll admit that the last post was very poor, but I am very glad that people were asking me to post again. It means everyone thinks I'm sexy and want my body, especially Kris ;).

Let's see where to begin with my adventures as of late....I suppose I could start with last night. Ebo is freaking hilarious, and I've decided that I'm going downtown to the bars with him all the time. He has now coined the coolest phrase (or should I say frase?) ever...."Nomadic Camping." Yep. He said it to Ed when we were trying to get him and Rachel to join us downtown. I don't know what Ed asked Ebo, but that was the response. What a fun night, even if Kris had to ditch us because she was tired or something. gosh. what a party pooper. :'(

I also just got back form a concert in the Cities today, and was it awesome! It was an all Beethoven concert done by the MN orchestra in Orchestra Hall. I heard a lot of music that I don't think I will hear in quite a while, if ever again. Thankfully this orchestra speciallizes in Beethoven music. Of course, I do need to thank my mother for getting the tickets for a christmas present to alex and I.

So I also have to ask about some current news too. Is anyone else interested to see how deep this "rabbit hole" goes with Abramoff inditment being so big right now? Even if I remove my alterior motives of hopfully seeing the Republican Congress fall, this seems like an interesting way to see just how corrupt the system has become, and to hopefully see some house cleaning at the same time.

I now have another interesting possible proposition to think about for next summer, or at least think about if I can possibly fit it in. Carmen, my loving wife ;), forwarded me an e-mail that she recieved from a woman named Carina. As a quartet we went to the music camp that she was in charge of last summer. Carina won't be in charge of the same music camp this summer, but she is creating her own, and she wants Carmen, Nate, and I to be counselors at this one, which will be in madison this year and not cost us anything since we would be counselors. At least this one won't be 5.5 weeks long (just 3 this year), but I need to find out from companies that may look at me for internships this summer if they will even let me do that, and weigh out my options of companies that will let me go, and one that won't. I know this is going to be hard because I really need to experience in the engineering field to help sell myself when I graduate to employeers, but I also really can not afford to go a whole summer without a chunk of time to just focus on playing if I want to seriously continue working towards the music performance degree and have any hope of using it alongside my engineering degree. Man, if I didn't have enough things to worry about already, what with deciding if I want to finish my music degree at platteville when I get my engineering degree in Spring '07, go to grad school for engineering and finish my music degree at that school, start working once I graduate and take night classes, or if I want to just graduate with a engineering degree and a music minor and go back to school later and finish the degree. Help on this anyone?

Well, that's enough for tonight everyone. I'm going to bed. God bless.

Otto III