Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Weekend

I've been pretty busy the past few days, what with coming back for easter and working on two papers, and doing work on the farm for mother. Coming back thursday was interesting though since my brakes decided to fail on the way out of town. It was really fun only being able to stop by hitting things. Thankfully I only bumped into a guy going 10 mph and he was totally cool about it telling me "you prolly fixed something anyway." Long story short though, I didn't get to leave platteville until 8:30ish when I was on my way out at 2:45. Stupid brake line deciding to break on me!

Today was interesting when i was working on the farm with mom and alex. Nothing unusual happened when we were doing some spring work such as mulching and fixing the gravel road. It was that I felt really good working on the farm again, which is something that I haven't done in a long time. I think I kind of missed it in a way. That or I really missed being home. And now that I think about it, thats the way the entire weekend has been. I guess that means I need to try and come home more. Well...I need to pay attention to the gang here. Everyone stay safe.

Good Night and Good Luck

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wonderful Weather

It is absolutley beautiful outside right now! This weather actually reminds me a lot of when I visited San Diego. Sunny, nice breeze, and not too humid. This is exactly the kind of weather a lot of people dream of having, unless you're Carmen or Binga who want to have 90's and crappy. By crappy I mean I don't like it, and since it's my blog, I win!

The week has been pretty uneventful for me really. Nothing of too much excitment has gone on, except for the usual homework and projects that I'm working on. I have gotten some job interviews lined up for monday in Rochester and La Crosse, and I'm getting excited about them. They are not anything special, but they're better than working on a factory driving a forklift all summer. This does bring up a dilema that I have. I've once again been asked to be a camp counselor for a music camp, but this time it is in Madison, and I would not have to pay anything. I do have to miss three weeks of work and I do not know if those three weeks will be worth it. It really all depends on what exactly these employers want me to do, how much they'll pay me, and if they'll even consider letting me be absent for those three weeks. I am really on the fence right now because it would be very good if I went to the camp. I get to build some new connections in the music business, and I get to spend three solid weeks on my instrument without anyother responsibilities. I would miss out on about $1000 and possibly a few other things in the engineering field. oh what to do.

I get to see Kris this weekend. YAY! makes me happy. I also get to meet her brother, but that's a long story, and I get to see her parents again. Maybe I'll get to see some of my other friends on saturday. who knows. I am pretty much available for anything. :D Well, it's time for bed and sleep.

Good Night and Good Luck,

"We could have saved it, but we were too damnd cheap." - Kurt Vonnegut