Thursday, May 18, 2006

This pic says it all.

In the Box Office

Yep...just sitting here waiting for the day to pass me by as I make an incredibly small ammount of money. :'( At least finals are almost over. I have one more tomorrow morning at 8 am and then I'm done. I don't need to study for it anymore either. It's conducting and I was practicing it all morning here, and I just wave my arms around anyway hehe. Once that's done, I get to go home, see Kris, and see the Da Vinci Code. I'm excited!

I also went to see my immediate suervisor tuesday out at the Pioneer Farm. I was surprised to see how well kept the farm is compared to most farms I have visited. I'll have to post some pics later, especially of my work buddies since I am right next to the maturnity pen where there were two little calves running and prancing around on tuesday.

I'm still unsure how I think the summer will end up being for me. I'm excited to be on my own for the first time, but I'm not excited about that either. It just reminds me that it's another step towards entering real life, which I don't want to do just yet. I will be in a full house since Nate, Greg, andTim will all be around, which is nice because then I won't get lonely. Another downside to being here and not in winona, less time with the girlfriend...:'(. I also still don't know if I'll be going to a Cubs game this summer or not. My Uncle Jim hasn't gotten back to me since we last talked to let me know how things are going in getting some tickets for a few of us. It's getting a little frustrating. Well....back tothe boring..


Sunday, May 14, 2006 bored....

I'm taking a break from studying for finals/playing video games to post since there's nothing else going on or to do! arrrgg!!! This is what happens when none of your finals scare you at all.

I really haven't been up to much as of late. Just finishing the semester has been enough to consume all of my time. I have been a little down though. I think it's because friends are graduating and leaving school, and therefore I won't see them everyday anymore. This always seems to happen to me around this time of year. I like change, but it gets old going through it every year and it wears on me.

I killed some time last night and went down to Dubuque with Nate, Binga, and Sarah last night. Boy does Dubuque suck late at night on a Saturday. Not a thing to do at all....except get cheaper gas than you would here in P-vegas. Talk about real excitment there. Otherwise the only other interesing thing that I'm doing is copying the TV series Firefly to DVD's for Kris because I'm trying to be the good boyfriend.

Lastly, I decided to take a page out Kris' book and didn't get out of my PJ's until 3 pm today. It was great.

Good luck in all your endevours.